Friday, October 23, 2009

solderless pinbacks

So I have neglected this thing for, well, forever. This will be my first post although I have been meaning to post other things for ages. These are two pieces of work by Robin Lathroum, a fiber/fabrics artist from VA. We were both at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts and she hired me to create pinbacks for several of the pieces she created in her torch fired enamels class. Needless to say, I was thrilled! Not only would this give me something to do, I would get paid for it and get some use out of my studio. These are the fronts (and you can see the tabs that connect to the backs) . I enjoyed Arrowmont immensely and met some amazing people there. Josh, the studio assistant, and Shasta (who is right now at Cub Creek beginning a hopefully year-long residency) were two of the work-study students I spent time with. I also met amazing polymer clay artists and got invaluable information and resources from them as well as from everyone else I met. I only wish I could have stayed longer!

This is just one of 6 pieces I was working with.

This one is huge, but perfect for a peacoat or something of equal heaviness.

And this is a view of the back.

Also, here's something that I'm working on for myself. It's a soft ground etched copper bird cutout (I do love me some bird cutouts) with a pretty green crystally rock attached to it. Not sure what I'll do with it when I'm done, but I am enjoying getting something done in my studio.

Wendi B